Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Update, and a preview of Pacaya...

Classes have been sparse, which has left a lot of time for Spanish. Between the NGO and Econ classes in the morning, I’m left with about 5 hours of Spanish (classes included) practice each day. My teachers name is Ruth, which is ironic because when it comes to grammar, she is ruth-less. I digress. It will be interesting to try and fit the other classes in, especially with the volunteer hours that have yet to materialize.

Tonight, there is a fiesta hosted by the programs coordinators. This will be interesting because not only is the whole group getting together, but because a group of indigenous Maya will be also attending. Each group is the master of the language that the other group seeks. We can ask them questions in Spanish, and they answer in English. Or, they can ask us questions in English, and we answer in Spanish. Alcohol is a possibility, who knows where this will go. Oh boy.

***UPDATE***. Ends up…my Spanish is still terrible, or at least it seems that way. I’m not expecting overnight results…but when I can’t even get through an introduction with out tripping up, its pretty discouraging. I tried to talk to some Mayans at the party, but it was more embarrassing than it was interesting. It put me in a terrible mood, and now I just want to vent into the internet, about my profound sense of frustration. [written late last night]

We’ll today is a new day, I had a good run and didn’t get mugged, which I consider a win. Skyped in the morning, then put the finishing touches on this post. I really want to finish this one about this past Sunday.
A lot of my classmates were headed to go to some beach a ways away. I didn’t feel like the beech, so I decided to stay out of the planning. On Sunday morning, a few quick calls, and Mariah and I discovered that a group was about to set off to hike Pacaya. This volcano erupted last year, sending hundreds fleeing and grounding flights in Guate. Some how…this cheeky house survived…and its right at the foot of the Volcano.

Tomorrows post will be a short photo journey up the side of Pacaya!

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