Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Food and Future Friends

With the conclusion of another two classes today, I'm starting to see the beginning of the end...
Got the IR POLS*4200 paper back...ends up she loved it! To make the day even better, we closed out the class with potluck and a game of Risk. The food was delicious, and it was a good change from the monotony of class. The most memorable dish were some cookies that looked alot like this:
These cookies started to go pretty quick, and before long they became the center of the conversation. Someone was quick to point out their resemblance to nipples...and then the jokes started flowing. Good times.

The HUMN 3300 class met up at Clive and Jeanie's house. Although we had been invited over for a light meal and some refreshments, Jeanie had outdone herself: she had cooked a chicken, a pot of vegetarian soup, desert, and a whole spread of veggie platters. It was a veritable feast! Conversations ranged from qualitative studies on "Perceptions of Violence in Canada" to the history and the division within mennonite groups and the links to their anabaptist brethren. Interesting group of people, look forwards to getting to know them a bit better.

leaving you all with a song, one that has found a dear place in my heart (14 plays in 24 hours)

Sufjan Stevens - Futile Devices:

Monday, November 29, 2010

In Guatemala, there are many other ways to die.

The Guatemala semester coordinator was talking about risks and travel. He said "In India, the traffic can kill you. In Guatemala, there are many other ways to die." I laughed out loud, and those words have stuck with me ever since.

I'm sitting in my usual spot in the UoG library in the midst of procrastinating. The paper on the Guatemalan Revolution (1945-54) is almost finished, but my take-home exam on Canadian Identity proving to be a task and a half. Between Grad Apps, finishing this semester and prepping for the semester in Guatemala my schedule is feeling pretty full.

I'm starting this blog to serve as a record. If anyone reads this... I hope they find it entertaining, and maybe even insightful. Until this blog gets to the point of becoming entertaining or insightful, please forgive the first few posts, as the only thing I've written in the last 5 years have been academic papers. I've created this blog at the worst possible point in time in this semester. I'd like to think of this blog as a noble project for the future, whereas in reality its a self-absorbed exercise in procrastination. The Intent: to keep up posting throughout the next 12 months. The Challenge: make the posts interesting.

Guatemala is on the horizon, so I'll be posting some of my preparations and my thoughts.

-To the City of Guelph. For putting in some protected bike-lanes on Stone Road. Keep it coming!
- To Leslie Nielson (Nov 28th, 2010). The funniest man a 13 year old boy could have ever known.

Monday Music Chart:
1. Sufjan Stevens "Age of Adz"
2. Jay-Z "The Grey Album"
3. Mos Def "Black on Both Sides
4. Mos Def "The Ecstatic"
5. Owen Pallett "Heartland"

p.s. also on twitter @UpandOnward