Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last night out in Guelph

On Thursday night, the wonderful musicians in YNOTW threw a impromptu (but wonderful) send off for me. Thanks to Nicole, Tom, Ben, Julia, Dave for shaping my coolest musical experience in Guelph. Couldn't give a proper shout out without mentioning Robin, Steve, and Josh. All of whom have given us some great inputs and opportunities along the way. The shindig at Nicole's house created the beginnings of a capstone night in Guelph.

As the music began to fade, groups drifted away from Yorkshire. I decided to swing by home and pickup some reinforcements before heading downtown. Two housemates came along for the trudge towards the DT, and we ran into a third at the venerable Jimmy Jazz. After dancing around to Madame D's set, we decided to roll to Tony's for some pool. We didn't realize how late it was until we noticed that Tony's was closed, so we needed to come up with a plan B.

For cheap pitchers and free pool, there was only one option. The Dip. For those who have not heard, or had the privilege of visiting the establishment Yenkel's, it is best described as premier dive in downtown Guelph. It is an establishment that polarizes opinion, and stimulates the senses in more ways than most would be conformable with. To add to the dive ambiance, it was thursday night Karaoke, which is a mixed blessing. The crowd would be large and lively, but also would be entirely composed of hipsters (used in the endearing sense of the word) and skid-row alcoholics. But the beer is always cold, and the pool is always free so we decided to slum it up.One thing led to another, and some light hearted shenanigans were had, contributing to our decision to move on. So the last shout out goes to James and Nick for being, as they would say, 'bosses' on the highest calibre.

That was a great night...

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