Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crazy Weekend: part 1

What a weekend!

The craziness all began when Ally and I hatched a plan to make a Toronto weekend, for her the draw of home and chinese food played a major part, whereas I had camera stores and MEC in mind. Upon arrival on saturday afternoon, I was able to track down a super cheap s95 in Pacific Mall. The need to go to P-Mall was just as much a cause for excitement as the camera itself. I've heard many stories about P-Mall, so it would be interesting to see if the store lived up to the hype. If I had been asleep and had woken up in P-mall, and was not able to go outside and see the license plates or the blowing snow...I could have sworn I was in Hong Kong. There was not question as to who the visible minority REALLY was. It was pretty cool, and I'd go back in a second.
Catching a streetcar on Sunday night in T.O.

On Sunday, I had my first "Toronto Sushi Experience". Coming from a small village in Ontario, I didn't even know about sushi until my brother went to Japan on exchange. Supposedly, people in the city become sushi connoisseurs shortly after birth. I first tried sushi in Guelph, and even still, i've only a enjoyed it handful of times. Many of which have consisted mostly of "all-you-can-eat" marathons at Fuji Sushi. I was told, on good authority, that Toronto Sushi would be life changing. Although not quite as dramatic as I was led to expect, it was flavorful and delicate and generally, quite good.

I find it hard to judge sushi because I've never had terrible sushi. The worst i've ever had is pretty damned good, so it makes the excellent less brilliant. I have no baseline of disgustingness on which to place my expectations and judgements. My taste-buds lack perspective.

After sushi, it was shopping spree at MEC and then dinner at a dumpling house. Since a run in with a sampling of dumplings from the Guelph Farmers MArket, I've developed a craving for dumplings in recent weeks. Ever since, and i've been on the search for other types of fresh tasty dumplings ever since...

On sunday night, the snow really started to come down, it was looking positively wintery with roads becoming more and more treacherous. Ally and I took the subway across town to meet up with some long time friends of mine Ian and Nikki (Ianikki). The biggest surprise was a new addition to the Morrison family, and a new buddy for bix (the beagle).
Come monday morning, Ally and I had loaded up the van, filled with MEC and Chinese food, the spoils of a successful weekend, and set out back to Guelph.

Little did we know what was in store...

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